Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 reviews  Added 04.06.2014 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [365] A 2295x
Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g
Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g
Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g Late 1990s "Jin Gua Gong Cha" 500g

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Date of production: Late 1990s

Shop: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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"Jin Gua Gong Cha" also called "Tuan Cha", is a special kind of compressed puer tea. It looks like pumpkin and the tea will turn to golden yellow after a period of time, so the tea was named "Jin Gua" (Golden Melon). "Gong Cha" means early Jing Gua used to be tribute for royalty.

The tea had been stored in Simao until they were sold to Kunming in 2006. There have been great changes in tea in the past twenty years. The liquor color is like red autumnal leaves (of the maple, etc.), rounded and show the typical characteristics of mature puer tea, tastes wonderfully smooth and cool with strong herbal scent, drinks well now.

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„tong; 筒 - Literally a barrel or barrel shaped object. A tong in Yunnan tea culture is a bundle of 7 tea cakes wrapped in the outer skin of bamboo which naturally sheds from around the base of the bamboo stem. Each cake weighs 357grams so making a total of 2,499 gm. Said by some to have been calculated in order to remain under a specific legislated weight of 2.5 kg. There were originally said to be 8 cakes in a tong. The 8th being paid as a levy. An earlier unit of weight in China was the liang. A cake of tea weighed 7 liang and 7 cakes in a tong made 49 liang. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q637] [s78]

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„ji qi rou (de); 机器揉(的) - Machine rolled. Some machine rolled tea has a very pleasing appearance and most tea gardens, however small, will have a machine, which is generally electric, but sometimes hand operated. However, the best sheng puer tea is still hand rolled.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q616] [s78]


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