2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 reviews  Added 17.11.2019 by Reapuerh, Tea status: [507] A 2218x
2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g
2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g 2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: 2007

Producer: CNNP

Shop: Real Pu-erh Tea Shop

Real Pu-erh Tea Shop

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Fu Lu Shou Xi (福禄寿喜) - Fortune, Wealth, Longevity and Happiness

  •   Display count: 2218  

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„Some more obvi­ous man­i­fes­ta­tions of cha qi are a heat­ing or cool­ing of the extrem­i­ties (eg, sweaty palms when drink­ing a ‘warm­ing’ tea like aged puerh or heav­ily roasted oolong), a flush­ing of the face, or a mea­sur­able change in mood. In a small group, tea can either lead to deep con­ver­sa­tion, giddy laugh­ter, or con­tem­pla­tive silence.“

Source Web: Wrong Fu Cha. Experiencing Tea[online].  [cit. 2002-05-20]. Available on WWW: <http://chahai.net/>. [q739] [s80]

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„Fujian Province is known for mountain-grown organic green tea as well as white tea and oolong tea. The coastal mountains provide a perfect growing environment for tea growing. Green tea is picked in spring and summer seasons.“

Source Web: Chinese green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea>. [q465] [s60]


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