How do they make it? Puer Tea Production

Source Video: How do they make it? Puer Tea Production[online]. YouTube. Available on WWW: <>. [q188] [s40]

Teas - Pu-erh

Shu 7581 - 2002

Shu 7581 - 2002
5.0 stars 1 review

„tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” This tea was stored for...

2014 Autumn Mengsong Bamboo Raw Puerh Tea

2014 Autumn Mengsong Bamboo Raw Puerh Tea 500g
4.0 stars 1 review

This tea come from autumn 2014 harvest from Mengsong (Menghai), blend of tea from...

2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian

2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

When people pick the tea from ancient trees, usually they pick one bud and three to...

Yiwu 1999 maocha

Yiwu 1999 maocha
3.0 stars 1 review

Yiwu 1999 maocha is a well stored tea in Taiwan. Loose leaves, maocha, is not stored...

2013 A few Single Trees (maocha)

2013 A few Single Trees (maocha)
4.5 stars 1 review

This tea is a blend of a few single tree teas from Bangwei and Bulang. These trees...

2000 Shu Pu 7262

2000 Shu Pu 7262
4.5 stars 1 review

Factory - „tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” in Dayi (Menghai tea...

Quotes - Pu-erh

„Nèi piào (内票): A larger description ticket or flyer packaged loose under the wrapper. Both aid in assuring the identity of the cake. It usually indicates factory and brand. As well, many nèi piào contain a summary of the tea factories' history and any additional laudatory statements concerning the tea, from its taste and rarity, to its ability to cure diseases and effect weight loss.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <>. [q849] [s62]


2014 White2Tea New Amerykah 2

2014 White2Tea New Amerykah 2
4.5 stars 1 review

An old arbor Menghai blend. Thick body, lingering kuwei [pleasant bitterness], and plenty of oomph. This...

2012 Autumn Te Ji Grade Lianghe Hui Long

2012 Autumn Te Ji Grade Lianghe Hui Long Green Tea 100g
4.0 stars 1 review

High grade famous high mountain green tea from Huilong Zhai, Dachang village, Lianghe county, Dehong...

Lao ManE 2013 autumn

Lao ManE 2013 autumn
5.0 stars 1 review

The LaoManE rules over this autumn teas. In this village you may find really bitter tea and also sweet teas...



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Chengdu, the capital
Tamil woman working
Chengdu, the capital
Men laden with

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„The container in which the tea is steeped or teapot should also be warmed beforehand so that the tea does not immediately cool down.“

Source Web: Green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <>. [q463] [s59]
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