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Video Tags: Pu-erh, China, Bulang, Tea production, Gushu
Man Nuo ancient tea gardens, at an altitude of 1266 meters. The tea trees are really...
Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang...
This cake is made by friend´s shop in small quantity just 150kg in total. First spring...
Almost on the verge of disappearing, Pu-erh tea paste used to be the special tribute to...
This tea come from autumn 2014 harvest from Mengsong (Menghai), blend of tea from...
„The Sweetness of Tea
When one sips Raw Puerh tea it should very quickly turn sweet in the mouth. The stronger, more long lasting, more even the flavour, the better the tea.“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh, Experiencing tea
Fall 2007 Harvest * Yi Wu Wild Tea trees * 357 grams Zhen Si Long Tea company of Yi Wu is...
An old arbor Menghai blend. Thick body, lingering kuwei [pleasant bitterness], and plenty of oomph. This...
This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is...
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„Pu-erh shape - Tuocha, Bowl, or Nest - A convex knob-shaped tea, its size ranges from 3g to 3 kg or more, with 100g, 250g and 500g being the most common. The name for tuocha is believed to have originated from the round, top-like shape of the pressed tea or from the old tea shipping and trading route of the Tuo River.[16] In ancient times, tuocha cakes may have had holes punched through the center so they could be tied together on a rope for easy transport.“