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Theme - Brick

Pu-erh shape Brick - A thick rectangular block of tea, usually in 100g, 250g, 500g and 1000g sizes. Zhuancha bricks are the traditional shape used for ease of transport along the ancient tea route by horse caravans.


Teas - Brick

2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea

2007 Zhong Cha
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Fu Lu Shou Xi (福禄寿喜) - Fortune, Wealth, Longevity and Happiness

2005 Yibang Old Tree Raw Puerh Brick

2005 Yibang Old Tree Raw Puerh Brick
0.0 stars 0 reviews

Spring 2005 material from Yibang was used for this semi-aged raw puerh tea brick. Rare hand...

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g
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The Menglong TF made this 250g tea brick from ancient wild tea tree material in 2006. Purple...

2008 Yong Pin Hao Yiwu Zhen Shan Spring Raw

2008 Yong Pin Hao Yiwu Zhen Shan Spring Raw Puerh Tea Brick 250g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

Yong Pin Hao adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch of...

Shu 7581 - 1998

Shu 7581 - 1998
5.0 stars 1 review

„tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” This tea was stored for the whole...

Shu 7581 - 2002

Shu 7581 - 2002
5.0 stars 1 review

„tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” This tea was stored for the whole...

Quotes - Brick

„Brick Tea was mainly produced in the Si-Chuang province prior to 1949. It is now also available in other provinces as well.“

Source Web: Pu-erh.Net. Puerh History: Noteworthy Facts[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.pu-erh.net/sections.php?Choice=Puerh_History>. [q746] [s82]

„Pu-erh shape - Brick - A thick rectangular block of tea, usually in 100g, 250g, 500g and 1000g sizes; Zhuancha bricks are the traditional shape used for ease of transport along the ancient tea route by horse caravans.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea shapes[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q510] [s63]

Photos - Brick

Pu-erh shape - Brick

Video - Brick

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„If you are annoyed or excited on account of things, sickness is already stirring in your mind – so what is “peace of mind”?

Pokud jste rozzlobení nebo rozrušení na základě věcí, nemoc se již rozdmýchává ve vaší mysli – kde je pak „klid mysli“?“

Source Book: Cleary, Thomas. Practical Taoism. Shambhala Publications Inc, 1998. p. 112. ISBN: 978-1570622007. [q706] [s79]


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