Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013

4.5 stars  4.5  2 reviews  Added 13.08.2013 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [248] A 8265x
Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013
Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013 Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013 Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013
Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013 Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013 Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013
Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013

Category: Red tea

Country: India

Province: Sikkim

Harvest: june 2013, Sikkim’s kingdom, around village Temi Tarku, altitude 1600m




Excellent tea from a single garden in Sikkim, spread around the village of Temi, in the beautiful landscape of the legendary kingdom. The lot number SK-2 was prepared the traditional way of Temi gardens, it consists mainly of tea plant cultivar T-78 and B-157, it contains a greater amount of tips and two leaves, which give us the embedding, bright, clear golden brew with a full color attractive aromas flowers, fruits and precious woods and full, heavier, balanced flavor with fruity notes and a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

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15.08.2013 12:37:20

Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

Wet leaf smells amazingly, infusion taste florally and fruity, really good tea.

gaiwan 120 ml/about 4g 30s/15s/30/60

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Eternal Spring
19.08.2013 16:21:41
Eternal Spring

Sikkim – a pleasant surprised

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

I have to confess, that I had to search on internet to find out where Sikkim lyses. Here is what Wiki says: "Sikkim (/ˈsɪkɨm/; also known as Shikim ) is a landlocked Indian state located in the Himalayan mountains. The state borders Nepal to the west, China's Tibet Autonomous Region to the north and east, and Bhutan to the east. The Indian state of West Bengal lies to the south. Kangchenjunga, the world's third-highest peak, is located on Sikkim's border with Nepal. Sikkim's Namgyal dynasty was established in 1642. Over the next 150 years, the kingdom witnessed frequent raids and territorial losses to Nepalese invaders. In the 19th century, it allied itself with British India, eventually becoming a British protectorate. In 1975, a referendum abolished the Sikkimese monarchy, and the territory was merged with India. The Chinese government eventually recognized Sikkim as an Indian state in 2003, on the condition that India officially recognize Tibet as a part of China." Now back to the tea.
The leaves are smaller, broken and brown. Actually it does not comply with the photos supplied by the shop (looks more like a DJ FF). But it is the only complaint about this tea. Dry leaves smell good. Wet leaves first smell after cannabis, which then turns into an intense sweet smell of ripe fruit. The brew is red in colour. The taste is full, spicy, woody fragrance with essential oils, slightly bitter astringency with a dry feeling in the aftertaste. For me it is very good tea and actually pleasant surprised. Purchased for $7.25 per 50g.

6g per 150ml gaiwan, water 95°C – 20s/5/10/15/20/40/60

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Eternal Spring
20.08.2013 11:18:26
Eternal Spring

One more comment on FTGFOP-1 grade of Sikkim. Leaves are broken, therefore it cannot be tea class FOP.It is rather BOP - Broken Orange Pekoe. So I guess it could be grade FTGBOP-1. Anyway it is an excellent tea.

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Eternal Spring
20.08.2013 11:19:28
Eternal Spring

Here is what Wikipedia says about Tea Leave Grading :

Whole leaf grades
Finest TGF OP—highest quality grade (Note: "Special" is occasionally substituted for "Finest", with a number 1 at the end to indicate the very finest), often hand processed and produced at only the best plantations, roughly one quarter tips

Broken leaf grades
TGF BOP1—Tippy Golden Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe 1: High-quality leaves with a high proportion of tips. Finest broken First Grade Leaves in Darjeeling and some parts of Assam.

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Quotes - Red tea

„hong; 红 - red. In China, what is called black tea in the English speaking world, is called red. Cooked Puer is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a black tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q610] [s78]

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„Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals present in most plant products that are responsible for health effects such as anti-oxidative and anticarcinogenic functions. However, based on the same USDA survey, the content of flavonoids may vary dramatically amongst different tea products.“

Source Web: Green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <>. [q437] [s59]


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