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Yiwu 1999 maocha

3.0 stars  3.0  1 review  Added 31.05.2013 by petroff, Tea status: [205] A 3782x
Yiwu 1999 maocha
Yiwu 1999 maocha Yiwu 1999 maocha Yiwu 1999 maocha
Yiwu 1999 maocha

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: 1999

Shop: PU-ERH.sk


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Yiwu 1999 maocha is a well stored tea in Taiwan. Loose leaves, maocha, is not stored that much so that if there is some it becomes a rare tea. A worth of trying. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - 1g - €3,20

  •   Display count: 3782  

06.06.2013 18:10:40

Yiwu 1999 maocha

5 stars 3.0 This review helped: 0 / 0

Dry leaves are beautifully long. Wet leaves produced dark earthy smell at first, but it quickly turns into fruity, honey sweetness. Very nice scent. The taste is more earthy mellow, nicely matured. At the end it reminds of nut taste and leaves a very intense sweet aftertaste. Regarding energy, unfortunately there was no energy for me.

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„One of the things I often advocate for newcomers to tea drinking is to sample widely. Learning about tea is, on some level, not very difficult at all. It requires experience and an active mind to reflect upon and learn from the experiences gained. To gather this experience though, the only way to really do it is to drink a lot of tea. Reading about it or hearing about it really doesn’t do much good, for it is only theory that lacks backing from practical experiences.“

Source Web: MarshalN. A Tea Addict’s Journal: Blogging seriously about tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.marshaln.com/>. [q891] [s95]

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