2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 reviews  Added 18.01.2017 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [490] A 2848x
2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g
2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g 2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g 2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g
2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g 2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Date of production: 2012/11/28

Producer: Xiaguan Tea Factory

Shop: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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This Xiaguan tuo shape raw puerh tea is made for Fei Tai (For Taiwan)" means this product was a special order of "Fei Tai" Company. Fei Tai Company is the biggest Xiaguan TF and Menghai TF pu-erh tea distributor in Taiwan. It is claimed that the customized products of Fei Tai company reaches a higher quality in Xiaguan TF. The high-level "FT" tea chose better raw materials.

This tuo is high level powerfull blend for long term aging! Strong, good bitter, flowery taste with fast huigan.

  •   Display count: 2848  

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„In some ways, by doing so you’re basically cupping the tea without cupping it – you’re testing whether or not the tea is good for your style of brewing. Even then, however, a good tea drinker should be adjusting to the tea and trying to brew it as best s/he can, which means that the first try can come out horribly wrong.“

Source Web: MarshalN. A Tea Addict’s Journal: Blogging seriously about tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.marshaln.com/>. [q894] [s95]

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„Some more obvi­ous man­i­fes­ta­tions of cha qi are a heat­ing or cool­ing of the extrem­i­ties (eg, sweaty palms when drink­ing a ‘warm­ing’ tea like aged puerh or heav­ily roasted oolong), a flush­ing of the face, or a mea­sur­able change in mood. In a small group, tea can either lead to deep con­ver­sa­tion, giddy laugh­ter, or con­tem­pla­tive silence.“

Source Web: Wrong Fu Cha. Experiencing Tea[online].  [cit. 2002-05-20]. Available on WWW: <http://chahai.net/>. [q739] [s80]


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