Sencha Ohira 2012

4.0 stars  4.0  1 review  Added 12.03.2013 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [152] A 4659x
Sencha Ohira 2012
Sencha Ohira 2012 Sencha Ohira 2012 Sencha Ohira 2012
Sencha Ohira 2012

Category: Green tea

Country: Japan

Harvest: 2012 April, Shizuoka, Ohira, Japan

Producer: Yamamotoen, Japan




Tea is an originally packaged in Japan and stored at low temperatures in Slovakia, which guarantees exceptional freshness.
Packing: vacuum, 50 grams (packed in Japan)

The infusion is smooth and a gentle, savory flavors, perfectly balanced taste without any disturbing elements, the tea will melt away on the tongue like morning dew, a pleasant, refreshing

  •   Display count: 4659  

Eternal Spring
20.02.2014 17:31:25
Eternal Spring

Old stock

5 stars 4.0 This review helped: 0 / 0

Water to be used to prepare Japanese green tea should be relatively cold. One tool says that if you keep your finger in water for 3 seconds, the temperature is just right. This is a good way to help yourself if you do not have a thermometer. However, if you are impatient, sometimes this method leads to scalding fingers ;-)

My experience is that it is definitely better to use cooler water - and almost only warm water than to spoil the infusion by bitterness.

Wet leaves smells intensely by grass. Color of infusion is clear, pale green.
The taste is fresh, sweet. Quite a long sweet aftertaste in the mouth.

The second infusion – steeping only for 10s - the color is already intense yellow and green brew gets cloudy. It tastes very grassy, with a hint of bitterness, which then turns into a sweet grassy end. It leaves dry feeling in your mouth.

The third infusion 15s - still using the same water, which cools slowly down. The infusion is without any signs of bitterness. Sweet, grassy taste with a hint of marzipan.

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Quotes - Green tea

„High-quality green teas can be and usually are steeped multiple times; two or three steepings is typical.“

Source Web: Green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <>. [q461] [s59]

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„Some people display virtue and show ability in order to get others to support them. Some call on people for celebrations and funerals, in effect making business trips. Some affect seclusion as hermits but are actually seeking social advancement. Some offer people food and drink in hope of later favors. All of these are clever operations of the crafty mind for gaining temporal profit. These prevent right action and so should all be abandoned. “

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