„Yunnan Provincial Government has stipulated that for tea to qualify as Pu er it must be:
i) of the Broad Leaf variety (Sinensis Assamica)
ii) grown in the Lancang (Mekong) River region
iii) sun dried. The third point is important as there is much tea grown in the Lancang River area that is not sun dried.
There are also increasing amounts of Small Leaf Variety (Xiao Ye Zhong /小叶种) being grown in the Lancang River area.“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh, Tea production, Yunnan, China, Lancang
This is a classic and old style cake from Nannuoshan Tea Factory which was renamed as...
Product name (stamp on the wrapper) : Qi Zi Yuan This cake come from...
Classic "Jia Ji" recipe! This tuocha is pressed in 2005, composed of 1-2...
This tea was found in friend´s warehouse in Menghai where was stored since 2005. Clean...
this tea is sold only as a sample, each order is limited to have only 2 samples of this...
Made entirely from spring 2002 material, this Banna wetter stored tea cake sports a...
„Pu-erh tea processing, although straightforward, is complicated by the fact that the tea itself falls into two distinct categories: the "raw" Sheng Cha and the "ripe" Shou Cha. All types of pu-erh tea are created from máochá (毛茶), a mostly unoxidized green tea processed from a "large leaf" variety of Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis assamica) found in the mountains of southern Yunnan.“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh, Tea oxidation, Yunnan, Sheng - Raw Puerh, Shu - Ripe Puerh
ripe, sweet fruit, distinct darjeeling tones, wild honey, enjoyable aftertaste of overipe grapes
Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The...
Buy only teas you like not teas you think you like! This is a blind tasting set of all pu-erh.sk spring...
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