„Pu-erh shape - Square - A flat square of tea, usually in 100g or 200g sizes, they often contain words pressed into the square.“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh
This spring we bought entire collection of puerh teas from Cha Wang Shop produced in...
This is the first time we made blending raw puer cake, so we took advice from a more...
Spring 2005 material from Yibang was used for this semi-aged raw puerh tea brick. Rare...
Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang...
Lao Banzhang is the pu-erh that you will pay the most money for and the pu-erh that you...
„Depending on the desired product and speed, from quickest and tightest to slowest and loosest, pressing can be done by a lever press, which was operated by hand for tight pressings and has largely been replaced by the modern hydraulic press.“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh
This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is...
A premium ripe tea composed entirely from 6 and 4 years aged ripe tea from Lincang. Light to medium...
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