„Nèi fēi (内飞 or 內飛): A small ticket originally stuck on the tea cake but now usually embedded into the cake during pressing. It is usually used as proof, or a possible sign, to the authenticity of the tea. Some higher end pu'er cakes have more than one nèi fēi embedded in the cake. The ticket usually indicates the tea factory and brand.“
Probably a small tea factory in Yi Wu area pressed this cake under the "zhong cha"...
sweetish, rich, dense taste is apparent from the first brewing, in the second brew the...
Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang...
Cheng Shuang 成双 means in pairs This cake is blend of two villages and...
Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang...
The LaoManE rules over this autumn teas. In this village you may find really bitter tea...
„chen wei; 陈味 - Aged, mellow. An expression which in Chinese can be used to refer to the flavour of aged alcohol, tea, etc. “
Quotes Tags: China, Experiencing tea, Pu-erh
Processing: discontinuation of oxidation, rolling, sun drying, humidification, pressing performed...
Korean green tea picked in the spring of 2014 in Hadong district, Jiri mountains. Grown and produced by an...
„tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” This tea was stored for the whole time in...
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