„Mr. Gao pointed out some caterpillars that were fattening themselves on tea leaves. “No pesticides used here.”“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh, Gushu, Tea production
"Jin Gua Gong Cha" also called "Tuan Cha", is a special kind of compressed puer tea. It...
Boyou was founded in 2005, now is one of the factories which still adhere to the...
flowery, in some parts honey, narcotic aroma, taste goes to honey, sweetish tones,...
Lao Banzhang 2004 is a pu-erh pressed into bamboo tubes. Mighty and rich tea soup...
When people pick the tea from ancient trees, usually they pick one bud and three to...
"Zi Qi Dong Lai" : The Purple Air coming from the east -- a propitious omen (from the...
„Pu-erh shape - Square - A flat square of tea, usually in 100g or 200g sizes, they often contain words pressed into the square.“
Quotes Tags: Pu-erh
"Early Spring" - fresh green tea from higher elevations near Yun Pan Shan (1100m) in early spring harvest....
Processing: discontinuation of oxidation, rolling, sun drying, humidification, pressing performed...
Product name (stamp on the wrapper) : Qi Zi Yuan This cake come from natural growing tea...
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