Break a tuocha

Source Video: Break a tuocha[online]. YouTube. Available on WWW: <>. [q752] [s83]


2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh

2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh Tea 100g
4.5 stars 1 review

This little cake come from border area with Myanmar from Kokang (果敢; pinyin: Guǒgǎn), area about 20km...

2010 Longchang Puer Brick 100g

2010 Longchang Puer  Brick 100g
0.5 stars 1 review

Shu brick 100g brought from China as a present. Unknown seller. Producer is LongChang Tea Co.

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
4.5 stars 1 review

Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According...



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The longan (龍眼 lóng
The freshly
The fruit is sweet,
Chengdu, the capital

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„Depending on the desired product and speed, from quickest and tightest to slowest and loosest, pressing can be done by a hydraulic press, which forces the tea into a metal form that is occasionally decorated with a motif in sunken-relief. Due to its efficiency, this method is used to make almost all forms of pressed pu'er.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <>. [q504] [s62]
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