Break a tuocha

Source Video: Break a tuocha[online]. YouTube. Available on WWW: <>. [q752] [s83]


2013 Early Spring Premium Yunnan Mao Feng

2013 Early Spring Premium Yunnan Mao Feng
3.5 stars 1 review

Grade: AA+ Cultivar: Yunnan Da Ye Harvest area: Si Mao, Yunnan Yunnan green tea produced...

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g
3.0 stars 1 review

This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is...

JungJak 2014 ECO Korea

JungJak 2014 ECO Korea
4.5 stars 1 review

Korean green tea picked in the spring of 2014 in Hadong district, Jiri mountains. Grown and produced by an...



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Chengdu, the capital
Chengdu, the capital
Chengdu, the capital
Chengdu, the capital

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„ba qi , 霸气 - . ba - 霸 means hegemonic, overlord or despot. So ba qi means strong, aggressive qi. Used to refer to a certain quality of qi in tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q581] [s78]
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