2014 Darjeeling Rohini Exotic SFTGFOP1

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 14.03.2014 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [342] A 6585x
2014 Darjeeling Rohini Exotic SFTGFOP1
2014 Darjeeling Rohini Exotic SFTGFOP1 2014 Darjeeling Rohini Exotic SFTGFOP1 2014 Darjeeling Rohini Exotic SFTGFOP1

Category: Red tea

Country: India

Province: Darjeeling

Harvest: early spring 2014 (FF, First Flush)

Date of production: lot DJ 3/14

Shop: Orijin Tea Prague

Orijin Tea Prague



Exclusive collection of the youngest gardens in Darjeeling processed from fresh buds of cultivar AV2.

The golden infusion heady fragrance with notes of fruit, flowers lime and traces of peanuts. Sweet and smooth, balanced taste of ripe fruit with hints of grape which continues until lightly honeyed tones. The first breeze of spring in a cup of tea!

Garden Rohini is situated in a valley Kurseong and has an eventful history. It was closed for 30 long years from 1962 until 1994 when it was revived by family Saria, which it began again planted new bushes. It is now administered by the tea companies that are also responsible for management of garden Gopaldhara.

Only about 28 hectares from the current 138 to the garden is available from the original planting shrubs, and many of them are still young. The garden is divided into four sections. The lower level has Jaberhat about 24 ha. Intermediate levels Kotidhara and Pailodhora together have approximately 76 ha are planted mostly by clones AV2 and T-78 and produce high quality tea. The highest level Tukuriya is located at an average altitude of 1300m above sea level and extends to the town of Kurseong. Tea tree of the oldest parts are over 100 years old.

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Eternal Spring
18.03.2014 11:22:46
Eternal Spring

The first spring DJ

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

Tea occupies a lot of space in the bag. Incredulous, I put the bag on the scale, if there's really only 50 grams. Leaves smells nicely as spring. Color of infusion is a bright yellow-brown. The taste is light and fruity with a delicate hint of citruses. In the aftertaste, you can feel soft sparkling and astringency on the tongue.
The tea has nice and refreshing energy.
Very good tea. 50 g for $14.

I used cooler water about 90-95°C.

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Quotes - Red tea

„hong; 红 - red. In China, what is called black tea in the English speaking world, is called red. Cooked Puer is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a black tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q610] [s78]

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„All types or pu-erh can be stored for maturity before consumption and that is why it has become common for the products to be labelled with year and region of production.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q483] [s62]


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