2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 reviews  Added 24.01.2015 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [404] A 1755x
2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g
2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g 2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g 2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g
2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g 2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g 2009 Lixing Raw Puerh Cake 357g

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Date of production: 6/06/2009

Producer: Liming Xinghuo Tea Factory

Shop: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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Spring and late spring harvest 2009, blend of Lancang and Menghai area. Yellow clean tea liquor with strong flower aroma. Stimulated and full mouthfeel with fast huigan. Easy for drinking now.

Liming tea primary processing workshop was founded in 1983 and was the seventh sub-field of Liming state-owned farm, changed to Liming Xinghuo tea factory which was run by private contractors in 2006. The factory is located in Mengman village.

  •   Display count: 1755  

Teas - Pu-erh

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„Pu-erh shape - Bing, Beeng, Cake, or Disc - A round, flat, disc or puck-shaped tea, the size ranges from as small as 100g to as large as 5 kg or more, with 357g, 400g, and 500g being the most common. Depending on the pressing method, the edge of the disk can be rounded or perpendicular. It is also commonly known as Qīzí bǐngchá (七子餅茶, literally "seven units cake tea") because seven of the bing are packaged together at a time for sale or transport.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea shapes[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q508] [s63]

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