2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 03.04.2014 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [346] A 7286x
2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g
2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g
2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g
2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g
2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g - Comparison to 2005 Nanuoshan Menghai 2005 Nan Nuo Shan Raw Chi Tse Bing Cha "7549" 375g - Comparison to 2005 Nanuoshan Menghai

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Producer: Menghai Banzhang Tea Factory

Shop: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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This is a classic and old style cake from Nannuoshan Tea Factory which was renamed as Menghai Banzhang Tea Factory from 2005. This cake made of 2005 pure sun-dried large leaf material, compression is medium. After stored for 6 years in Kunming, this tea is ready for drink now but still very powerful with good choice for aging ! Nice golden liquor with typical floral aromas of Nannuoshan tea, full in the mouth, fruity with quickly huigan! Later infusions are sweet and smooth.

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Eternal Spring
27.06.2014 13:40:23
Eternal Spring

Very specific and fragrant flavor, but I love it

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: +1 / 0

I purchased a 25g sample of this tea with very specific and fragrant flavor. The sample had disappeared fairly quickly. I've always enjoyed the tea, so I ordered the cake.

The sample consists of two large fragments and many individual leaves. It can be seen that the cake is loosely pressed and leaves are cut.

Steamed leaves are very fragrant. It is an intense floral odor.
The brew has darker color. The taste reminded me at first green tea "Gun Powder", but as it turned out, there are many scents and tastes hidden in this tea.

No bitterness, only strong astringency on the tongue. Intense, fruity and floral huigan from the first cup.

The taste is dense and very strong, spicy. Great astringency. Aftertaste is also very strong, fragrant. Overall, it is the spicier tea with fragrant character that will last long in the mouth.

The cold brews are first dominated by more mature taste, which is then quickly covered by astringency. Later infusions are pleasantly sweet and fragrant.

This is a 9-year-old tea that has matured in a dry environment in Kunming and still has plenty of potential for further aging. It is not the tea for everyday drinking. It is very fragrant, spicy astringent tea and not everybody will like it. It is a quite matured tea at a very competitive price - big cake 357 grams for $29.

Tea is very fast. Use cooler water about 90°C and watch the dosage. Have a fun.

Review of simile tea with the same wrapping is here
2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake 357g 2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake 357g

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„Bĭng: The tea cake itself. Tea cakes or other compressed pu'er can be made up of two or more grades of tea, typically with higher grade leaves on the outside of the cake and lower grades or broken leaves in the center. This is done to improve the appearance of the tea cake and improve its sale. Predicting the grade of tea used on the inside takes some effort and experience in selection. However, the area in and around the dimple of the tea cake can sometimes reveal the quality of the inner leaves.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q850] [s62]

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