2015 - Tea from 2005 till 2010

2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g

2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g
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This tea was found in friend´s warehouse in Menghai where was stored since 2005. Clean but tropical storage change the taste very nice. Large strong leaves with fat buds. Smooth, sweet aged woody and ripe fruit taste, slightly very comfortable bitterness, fast huigan. Production date : harvest Spring 2005, pressed 2015/4 Harvest Area : Bulang mountain, Menghai Weight : 200g per cake, 5 cakes in bamboo tong (1kg)




„Yu Shui Cha; 雨水茶. Literally Rain water tea. Summer Tea. Less prized than Spring Tea or Autumn Tea. The flavour is usually less fulsome than Spring tea. Also, it is often oven-dried (hong qing; 烘青) as it is harvested in the rainy season.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q641] [s78]


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