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CNNP - Teas

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2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g

2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g
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Fu Lu Shou Xi (福禄寿喜) - Fortune, Wealth, Longevity and Happiness

old school 7542 BingCha 2011

old school 7542 BingCha 2011
0.0 stars 0 reviews

I tasted several 7542 original Dayi cakes from recent years going back to 1997. Only the oldest made quiet an impression on me. Although this one cost several hundreds Euro already. I also run into a few 'private order 7542 cakes too. The 2011 one, a dry stored in Jiangsu, with very strong typical characteristics and a good price had to end up in pu-erh.sk aged raw pu-erh teas offer. Taste: Clean without any disturbing side effect, a strong bitterish, fruity 'menghai'...

2001 CNNP Private Order 7542 Raw Puerh Cake 357g

2001 CNNP Private Order 7542 Raw Puerh Cake 357g
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This is a good example of CNNP "7542" production. This custom-made "7542" cake was made by an affiliated factory of Menghai TF. This tea cake is composed of wild arbor and garden tea. First three years stored in China and then bought and stored in Malaysia since 2004. Clean and very good storage! Full body, balanced, sweet, with fast huigan. Give many enjoyable infusions !


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Bought this ripe tea recently for USD 5.00. There's no printed info on the cover. Claimed by the tea shop that the manufactured year is 2006. Can anyone out there can verify it. Thanks.

2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai

2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai
4.5 stars 1 review

This tea most closely resembles CNNP 7532, but we are labeling it as tiepai [pasted brand] because it is too difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of the cake and we do not want to misrepresent it. Stored in Guangdong province, this tea has a slight humidity to it, but the cakes and tea are very clean. Some cakes have a neifei [inner ticket] buried in the middle of the cake, some are on the surface, and one cake we opened did not have a neifei.

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha
5.0 stars 1 review

Processing: discontinuation of oxidation, rolling, sun drying, humidification, pressing performed hydraulically, tea, however, can be fairly well divided. Leaf: excellent quality leaves with a very good share of buds, the overall appearance is neat and uniform. Scent of dry leaf is medium strong, harmonious, floral with hints of dark fruit and cane sugar. Infusion: Color is golden honey, the smell fully corresponds with the smell of dry leaf, as opposed to the more perceptible...

1997 CNNP Big Red Mark Raw Puerh Cake

1997 CNNP Big Red Mark Raw Puerh Cake
4.0 stars 1 review

This cake is called "Da Hong Yin" or Big Red Mark. It's a blend from Banna area tea leaves and the raw materials are pressed into wooden molds that give them their irregular shape. The weight of these cakes are from 380g to 430g. The tea was stored in Hongkong traditional storage and then moved to Malasia. Its clean wet storage without white 'frost' on the surface.Aged aroma with hint of nutty, deep and clean tea soup. Smooth and sweet. The mouthfeel is complex, huigan is fast. After few...

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake
4.0 stars 1 review

Probably a small tea factory in Yi Wu area pressed this cake under the "zhong cha" label in 2003. Entirely spring 2013 Yi Wu mountain material. Stored in Jing Hong until 2012 when it was purchased by Yunnan Sourcing and brought to Kunming. Nice balanced traditional (wetter) storage. Nicely aged but without any moldy or off smells. Camphor and delicate aromas when brewed. Sweet thick tea soup. An enjoyable tropical stored tea!

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
4.0 stars 1 review

Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The tea was stored in Taiwan, lately in Guangzhou province in China. I recomend to try it, the whole bing cha's will be in stock later. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €1.00




„I had heard from other puer buyers that Ma Hei farmers now use pesticide & fertilizer to boost yields. But as we stood there critiquing this batch of Ma Hei tea, a large, multi coloured beetle crawled out of the leaf pile. “We call this guy the tea boss” Mr. Gao explained. “If he’s around, it’s a good sign!”“

Source Web: The Tea Urchin. Learning how to identify gu shu & make maocha[online]. 2011. Available on WWW: <http://teaurchin.blogspot.cz/2011/09/learning-how-to-identify-gu-shu-make.html>. [q935] [s107]


Waterfalls near
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Pu-erh shape - Bing,
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