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Orijin Tea Prague - Teas - 5 stars

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Meng Ding Shi Hua 2013

Meng Ding Shi Hua 2013
5.0 stars 1 review

"Stone Flower" - Best green tea from our plantation on the mountain Meng Ding. Careful collection, only the top buds with one small leaf. Dense, herbal fragrance of dry leavs. After steeping the smell is softer and it is pleasantly sweet, herbal to floral. The taste is full, round with a long, spicy aftertaste. Term Ming Qian Cha - 明前 茶 states with teas of the most valuable early harvest of the first leaves of the highest quality. It literally means tea picked before the spring...




„Ripened or aged raw pu-erh has occasionally been mistakenly categorised as a subcategory of black tea due to the dark red colour of its leaves and liquor. However, pu-erh in both its ripened and aged forms has undergone secondary oxidization and fermentation caused both by organisms growing in the tea and free-radical oxidation, thus making it a unique type of tea. This divergence in production style not only makes the flavour and texture of pu-erh tea different but also results in a rather different chemical makeup to resulting brewed liquor.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q490] [s62]


Chengdu, the capital
Pu-erh shape - Brick
Chengdu, the capital
Jasminum officinale,

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