Puerh History - Pu-erh.Net

„Yunnan Tea Company standardized the trade number for Pu Erh Tea in 1976 for the purpose of export. Each bingcha has 4 digits: the first 2 digits indicate the manufacturing year, the third digit indicates the leaf grade, the last digit indicates the tea factory (e.g. Kun-Ming 1, Meng-Hai 2, Xia-Guan 3, Pu Erh 4). The loose-leaf tea has 5 digits with the third and fourth indicating the class level of raw materials. Examples of early trade numbers for Puerh Tea are 7452, 7562, 7572, 75671, 76563.“

Source Web: Pu-erh.Net. Puerh History: Noteworthy Facts[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.pu-erh.net/sections.php?Choice=Puerh_History>. [q741] [s82]

Teas - Pu-erh

2012 Mangzhi Huang Shan Cha Xiao Bing

2012 Mangzhi Huang Shan Cha Xiao Bing 200g
4.0 stars 1 review

This tea came from Mangzhi mountain which is located in the west of Xiangming village...

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
4.5 stars 1 review

Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and...

2002 Fu Cha Ju Ailaoshan Ripe Puerh Cake

2002 Fu Cha Ju Ailaoshan Ripe Puerh Cake
4.2 stars 2 reviews

This high quality ripe cake is made of spring large-leaf varietal arbor tea from Ailao...

2010 Yunnan Yin Hao Xiao Yuan Cha- Raw

2010 Yunnan Yin Hao Xiao Yuan Cha- Raw Organic Small Iron Cake (930)125g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

This nice small cake is made from early spring Wuliangshan and Lincang material. Many...

2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake

2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake 357g
2.5 stars 1 review

This is a classic Menghai spring blended cake from Nannuoshan Tea Factory which was...

2012 EoT Bulang Puer Tea 400g

2012 EoT Bulang Puer Tea 400g
5.0 stars 1 review

This tea was a bit of an experiment for us. We'd found 2 different maochas from Bulang...

Quotes - Pu-erh

„Indistinct fragrance is, by nature, restrained, hidden and it is only by steeping the tea and then smelling a cup that has just been emptied of tea can one appreciate this fragrance. Alternatively, one can also smell the steeped leaves. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. How to Identify Good Puerh Tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com>. [q756] [s84]




Darjeeling Tea
Tea plantation in
Chengdu, the capital
Small inspiration


2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams
4.5 stars 1 review

This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe...

2008 Xiaguan FT Xizi (Happy) Tuo Cha Raw 100g

2008 Xiaguan FT Xizi (Happy) Tuo Cha Raw 100g in Box
4.0 stars 1 review

Xizi tuo is one of famous Xiaguan Fei Tai products. Used high quality blend of 1-3 years aged materials and...

2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh

2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh Tea 100g
4.5 stars 1 review

This little cake come from border area with Myanmar from Kokang (果敢; pinyin: Guǒgǎn), area about 20km...

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Chengdu, the capital
Pu'er traditionally
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