Jasmine Tea Prevents Diabetes And More - Health Help

„Timing is everything when gathering the flowers. They must be fully open and for this reason they are harvested at midnight, or early in the morning. Then the open flowers are placed with the tea so that the scent of the flower can be absorbed into the tea over the next four hours. After this the flowers are removed. This process is repeated from two to seven times over a month. Then the tea is ready for sale. The grade of the tea is determined by how many scentings the tea has gotten over a month. High grade jasmine tea has had up to seven scentings over the month. Low grade has had two to three scentings.“

Source Web: Health Help. Jasmine Tea Prevents Diabetes And More[online]. Available on WWW: <http://fwdmagazine.com/healthhelp/tag/jasmine-green-tea-benefits/>. [q217] [s50]




Chengdu, the capital
The fruits and seeds
The longan (龍眼 lóng
Chengdu, the capital


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