Practical Taoism - Thomas Cleary

„The Water and Cloud Collection by Master Tan of Eternal Reality says, “When people revolve ceaselessly in routine birth and death, it is just because they are mindful.” “

Source Book: Cleary, Thomas. Practical Taoism. Shambhala Publications Inc, 1998. p. 112. ISBN: 978-1570622007. [q714] [s79]




tea plantation
Pu-erh shape -
Female workers of a
Chengdu, the capital


Lao Banzhang 2013

Lao Banzhang 2013
5.0 stars 1 review

Lao Banzhang is the pu-erh that you will pay the most money for and the pu-erh that you find most likely a...

2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh

2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh Tea 100g
4.5 stars 1 review

This little cake come from border area with Myanmar from Kokang (果敢; pinyin: Guǒgǎn), area about 20km...

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g
3.0 stars 1 review

This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is...

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