Where does Camphor flavor in Puerh tea come from?

In Australia -Cinnamomum camphora was introduced to Australia in 1822 as an ornamental tree for use in gardens and public parks, where it is commonly called Camphor laurel. It has become a weed throughout Queensland and central to northern New South Wales where it is suited to the wet, subtropical climate. However, the tree provides hollows quickly in younger trees, whereas natives can take hundreds of years to develop hollows. It has been declared a noxious weed in many parts of Queensland and New South Wales.

Source Web: Where does Camphor flavor in Puerh tea come from?: Camphor laurel[online]. WikiPedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camphor_Laurel>. [q833] [s89]

Teas - Pu-erh

2016 Chawangpu Bada Laoyu Raw Puerh Cake

2016 Chawangpu Bada Laoyu Raw Puerh Cake 400g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang...

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

The Menglong TF made this 250g tea brick from ancient wild tea tree material in 2006....

NaKa 2013 - blind tasting set 3

NaKa 2013 - blind tasting set 3
5.0 stars 1 review

this tea is sold only as a sample, each order is limited to have only 2 samples of this...

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha
5.0 stars 1 review

Processing: discontinuation of oxidation, rolling, sun drying, humidification, pressing...

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake
4.0 stars 1 review

Probably a small tea factory in Yi Wu area pressed this cake under the "zhong cha"...

YiWu 2012 autumn

YiWu 2012 autumn
4.5 stars 1 review

pressed by stone mold into 250 grams cakes, autumn maocha Massive...

Quotes - Pu-erh

„In some ways, by doing so you’re basically cupping the tea without cupping it – you’re testing whether or not the tea is good for your style of brewing. Even then, however, a good tea drinker should be adjusting to the tea and trying to brew it as best s/he can, which means that the first try can come out horribly wrong.“

Source Web: MarshalN. A Tea Addict’s Journal: Blogging seriously about tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.marshaln.com/>. [q894] [s95]

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„chun cha; 春茶 - spring tea. Normally divided into periods; 头春; tou chun/first flush, 二春; er chun/second flush, 春尾chun wei, tale of spring. Also see 波-bo is also used. chun; 纯 - pure. not pin pei“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q599] [s78]


Chengdu, the capital
Chengdu, the capital
Pu-erh shape -
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