Men Laden With Tea - Ernest H. Wilson

Men laden with 'Brick Tea' for Thibet. One man's load weighs 317 lbs. Avoird. The other's 298 lbs. Avoird.!! Men carry this tea as far as Tachien lu accomplishing about 6 miles per day over vile roads, 5000 ft. ." I suspect that Wilson made a mistake; either miscalculating a conversion from Chinese Imperial to European weight measure, or that he believed an inflated figure offered him by a less than honest native. However, others purportedly shared the same beliefs that some porters did in fact, carry upwards of 300 pound loads.

Source Web: Ernest H. Wilson. Men Laden With Tea[online]. Sichuan Sheng, China :, 1908. Available on WWW: <>. [q959] [s118]

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„Most of the meditation techniques are using the very same principles we need to perform a good gongfu cha: calm, concentration and a ritual. No wonder we can achieve a very similar outcome! Under good conditions, what emerges is our real Me, speaking from the bottom of our heart. We become the Chinese ideal, a zhen ren, a true man (or woman). We have no needs, no desire. We are fulfilled with the simple happiness of a cup of tea.“

Source Web: Tea Masters Blog. Gong fu cha brewing: the 5 senses[online]. 2005. Available on WWW: <>. [q874] [s91]


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