Visiting Yiwu, Tasting History - University of Washington

A supplement to the book Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic by Jinghong Zhang (University of Washington Press, 2013) PUER TEA DVD 3

Source Video: University of Washington. Visiting Yiwu, Tasting History: PUER TEA DVD3[online]., 2013. Available on WWW: <>. [q949] [s113]


2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake

2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake 357g
2.5 stars 1 review

This is a classic Menghai spring blended cake from Nannuoshan Tea Factory which was renamed as Menghai...

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha
4.5 stars 1 review

Mengsong is one of the oldest ancient tea area in Menghai. Baotang old village is located next to the...

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
4.0 stars 1 review

Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The...



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Chengdu, the capital
Chengdu, the capital
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„cha wan; 茶碗 - Tea bowl. This is typically a small handle-less bowl made from porcelain, terracotta or glass. As with Yixing pots, anything that is pourous is going to absorb flavours and should ideally be dedicated to one kind of tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q592] [s78]
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