Brewing Method for Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong in Chaozhou Style

Source Video: Brewing Method for Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong in Chaozhou Style[online]. YouTube. Available on WWW: <>. [q923] [s102]


2015 Chawangpu Menghai "Cheng Shuang" Xiao

2015 Chawangpu Menghai "Cheng Shuang" Xiao Bing
4.0 stars 1 review

Cheng Shuang 成双 means in pairs This cake is blend of two villages and mountain in Menghai...

ManSa 2013 - blind tasting set 7

ManSa 2013 - blind tasting set 7
4.5 stars 1 review

flowery, in some parts honey, narcotic aroma, taste goes to honey, sweetish tones, verry fancy tea, just...

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
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Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According...



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„ye sheng; 野生 - Wild, feral. Whilst there is still a comparatively large number of truly wild tea trees in Yunnan, most tea does not come from them, coming rather from arboreal trees.i.e. trees that were originally cultivated, but then left untended for many years, or bushes. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q640] [s78]
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