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Theme - Dehong

Dehong (德宏州) - Yunnan’s prefecture producing puerh tea, located north from Xishuangbanna.


Teas - Dehong

2014 Spring Te Ji Grade Lianghe "Hui Long"

2014 Spring Te Ji Grade Lianghe
4.5 stars 1 review

Selected grade famous high mountain green tea from Huilong Zhai, Dachang village, Lianghe county,...

2013 "Light Roast" Wild Tree Purple Varietal

4.0 stars 1 review

This is a lightly processed black tea that was hand-crafted using a wild tree purple leaf...

Quotes - Dehong

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

Photos - Dehong

Tea Mountains Map,
Tea Mountains Map,

Video - Dehong

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

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„In general, lower-quality green teas are steeped hotter and longer, while higher-quality teas are steeped cooler and shorter.“

Source Web: Green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea>. [q459] [s59]


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