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Tao - 2011

2011 "Zi Qi Dong Lai" Ripe Puerh Cake 150g

2011 "Zi Qi Dong Lai" Ripe Puerh Cake 150g
4.5 stars 1 review

"Zi Qi Dong Lai" : The Purple Air coming from the east -- a propitious omen (from the East) is approaching This small ripe puerh cake has been produced exclusively for our shop and Czech tea-sellers. We tasted many different materials and chose this blend together.Two kinds of materials from Menghai are in the blend: 2006 5th grade from Haiwan Tea Factory (stored in Anning) and 2008 Gongting (the highest quality ripe puerh) from a small factory in Menghai...




„If you are annoyed or excited on account of things, sickness is already stirring in your mind – so what is “peace of mind”?

Pokud jste rozzlobení nebo rozrušení na základě věcí, nemoc se již rozdmýchává ve vaší mysli – kde je pak „klid mysli“?“

Source Book: Cleary, Thomas. Practical Taoism. Shambhala Publications Inc, 1998. p. 112. ISBN: 978-1570622007. [q706] [s79]


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