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Shu Tuocha 2003

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 27.11.2013 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [299] A 5096x
Shu Tuocha 2003
Shu Tuocha 2003 Shu Tuocha 2003 Shu Tuocha 2003
Shu Tuocha 2003 Shu Tuocha 2003 Shu Tuocha 2003

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Date of production: private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” in Dayi

Producer: Menghai Tea Factory

Shop: PU-ERH.sk


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„tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” in Dayi (Menghai tea factory). This tea is made by a dayi employe on a special request from Taiwan.

This is a perfect, aged shu pu-erh tea for a reasonable price. Why? It was produced in large scale so the final price of this tea is very affordable. It was stored in Taiwan and in 10 years transformed into a stage when this shu pu-erh is very tasty to drink. This private production tea is not burdened with a famous brand name so that it's price is not affected by it. Also it is not taken as a stock investment but it is simply a good tea to drink for it's taste not for it's fame.

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Eternal Spring
11.12.2013 11:58:35
Eternal Spring

Creamy Tuocha

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

Very firmly pressed tuocha. I am steeping first brew for about one minute and the infusion is then very light brown to red. Wet leaves smell after nuts.
The first infusion has a very mild flavor. There is a light earthiness, finished off with a sweet woody aftertaste.

Tea slips easily into the stomach; infusion has, I would say, a "creamy" consistency in the mouth. Very relaxing flavor.

There is a gentle bitterness on the tongue after the second and third infusion.
Pleasant, relaxing energy for Sunday siesta when the weather is rainy. Tea made me feel better.

4g into 80ml gaiwan - rinse - 60s/10/15/20/25/40/60/90

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„zhang wei; 樟味 - Camphor flavour. This is sometimes present in old tea tree Puer. Due, it is said, to the presence of Camphor Laurels in tea gardens where they were planted as a form of natural pest control. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q643] [s78]

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„Pang xie jiao; 旁鞋脚. Latin; (Viscum articulatum Burm.f.) Literally Crabs legs. A parasitic plant that grows on trees in sub-tropical regions. When it grows on the tea tree it absorbs flavour from the tree and makes a sweet, refreshing drink, hot or cool. Very limited availability. Puer cakes can be found that have Pangxiejiao mixed into the cake. Normally around 10-15%. It is also part of the Chinese medicine pharmacopoeia – said to have a diuretic effect and is used to clear heat“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q623] [s78]


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Camphor laurel
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