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Lincang - 4 and more stars - 2012

2012 Mangfei "Da Ye Chun" Early Spring Raw Puerh Cake 400g

2012 Mangfei "Da Ye Chun" Early Spring Raw Puerh Cake 400g
4.5 stars 1 review

This high quality old tree tea cake come from a small shop in Yongde. Using early spring material from tea trees about 80-300 years old. Mangfei is one of Yongde high mountains. Using traditional processing techniques -“sha-qing”(kill-green) in wok and sundried and carefully pressed to this 400g cake. Smell of dry leaves is strong and great. Tea soup is yellow green, sparkish clean and fragrant. Full, thick, with fast huigan. Aftertaste is floral sweet. This tea have some fantastic cooling...




Broad leaf variety (Sinenesis Assamica) is high in natural constituents; polyphenols, caffeine,theine, etc. A particularly bitter flavour is a special characteristic of the Broad leaf variety, but it is important that it transforms quickly and does not linger. This is a mark of good quality Puer. NB there is a sub-variety in Yunnan - Var. ku cha which has different characteristics and does not transform in the same way.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. How to Identify Good Puerh Tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com>. [q766] [s84]


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