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India - 4 and more stars - 2012

Sourenee SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush 2012 Organic

Sourenee SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush 2012 Organic
4.0 stars 1 review

ripe, sweet fruit, distinct darjeeling tones, wild honey, enjoyable aftertaste of overipe grapes




„There is also knowledge that you can gain from drinking the same tea over and over again that you cannot from sampling. This may involve the tea changing on you – a traditionally stored puerh gradually losing its storage taste, for example. Or, it can just be that you start noticing nuances that were there, but were not necessarily obvious the first few times you try it.“

Source Web: MarshalN. A Tea Addict’s Journal: Blogging seriously about tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.marshaln.com/>. [q895] [s95]


Chengdu, the capital
Tea Mountains Map,
Pu-erh shape -
Chengdu, the capital

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Pu-erh shape -
Pu'er traditionally
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