Yong Pin Hao Tea Company

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Yong Pin Hao Tea Company



Yong Pin Hao adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch of manufactured according to traditional way - pure sun-dried materials, manual stone press, bamboo packaging, bamboo split strapping, classic design.

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Teas - Yong Pin Hao Tea Company

2008 Yong Pin Hao Yiwu Zhen Shan Spring

2008 Yong Pin Hao Yiwu Zhen Shan Spring Raw Puerh Tea Brick 250g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

Yong Pin Hao adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch...




A lorry transporting
Tea Mountains Map,
The Cameron
Tea Gardens at


2014 Chawangpu "Lao Yu" Xiao Bing Cha

2014 Chawangpu "Lao Yu" Xiao Bing Cha
4.5 stars 1 review

Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang minority village in...

2012 EoT Bulang Puer Tea 400g

2012 EoT Bulang Puer Tea 400g
5.0 stars 1 review

This tea was a bit of an experiment for us. We'd found 2 different maochas from Bulang mountain, which were...

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha
5.0 stars 1 review

Processing: discontinuation of oxidation, rolling, sun drying, humidification, pressing performed...

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