White 2 Tea - Teas - Tea from 2000 till 2004

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2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai

2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai
4.5 stars 1 review

This tea most closely resembles CNNP 7532, but we are labeling it as tiepai [pasted brand] because it is too difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of the cake and we do not want to misrepresent it. Stored in Guangdong province, this tea has a slight humidity to it, but the cakes and tea are very clean. Some cakes have a neifei [inner ticket] buried in the middle of the cake, some are on the surface, and one cake we opened did not have a neifei.




„ye sheng; 野生 - Wild, feral. Whilst there is still a comparatively large number of truly wild tea trees in Yunnan, most tea does not come from them, coming rather from arboreal trees.i.e. trees that were originally cultivated, but then left untended for many years, or bushes. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q640] [s78]


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