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968 *Yunnan Haiwan Pu-erh Tea Old Comrade LaoTongZhi * Pu erh Tuocha Ripe /Shu 100 grams

968 *Yunnan Haiwan Pu-erh Tea Old Comrade LaoTongZhi * Pu erh Tuocha Ripe /Shu 100 grams
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2008yr 968 *Yunnan Haiwan Pu-erh Tea Old Comrade LaoTongZhi * Pu erh Tuocha Ripe /Shu 100 grams




„Yunnan Tea Company standardized the trade number for Pu Erh Tea in 1976 for the purpose of export. Each bingcha has 4 digits: the first 2 digits indicate the manufacturing year, the third digit indicates the leaf grade, the last digit indicates the tea factory (e.g. Kun-Ming 1, Meng-Hai 2, Xia-Guan 3, Pu Erh 4). The loose-leaf tea has 5 digits with the third and fourth indicating the class level of raw materials. Examples of early trade numbers for Puerh Tea are 7452, 7562, 7572, 75671, 76563.“

Source Web: Pu-erh.Net. Puerh History: Noteworthy Facts[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.pu-erh.net/sections.php?Choice=Puerh_History>. [q741] [s82]


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