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968 *Yunnan Haiwan Pu-erh Tea Old Comrade LaoTongZhi * Pu erh Tuocha Ripe /Shu 100 grams

968 *Yunnan Haiwan Pu-erh Tea Old Comrade LaoTongZhi * Pu erh Tuocha Ripe /Shu 100 grams
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2008yr 968 *Yunnan Haiwan Pu-erh Tea Old Comrade LaoTongZhi * Pu erh Tuocha Ripe /Shu 100 grams




„Zhang Ziyang’s Alchemical Directions says, “To use things to refine the mind, there is nothing else to do but not keep things on your mind; then complete serenity is possible.“ “

Source Book: Cleary, Thomas. Practical Taoism. Shambhala Publications Inc, 1998. p. 112. ISBN: 978-1570622007. [q710] [s79]


In China, a wine
Chengdu, the capital
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Chengdu, the capital

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