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„According to this text, the consciousness of the dead person lingers between one live and another for a period of 49 days. During that time he‘s capable of hearing. So the text is red aloud to...“



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Chengdu, the capital
zhang wei; 樟味 -
Chengdu, the capital
Pu-erh shape -

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2014 Yunnan Simao Huoqing Green Tea

2014 Yunnan Simao Huoqing Green Tea
4.0 stars 1 review

Spring comes to Yunnan earlier this year. And also spring teas from regular spring harvest are picked a...

Lao Banzhang 2013

Lao Banzhang 2013
5.0 stars 1 review

Lao Banzhang is the pu-erh that you will pay the most money for and the pu-erh that you find most likely a...

Lao ManE 2013 autumn

Lao ManE 2013 autumn
5.0 stars 1 review

The LaoManE rules over this autumn teas. In this village you may find really bitter tea and also sweet teas...


A view of Darjeeling
Batasia Loop of
Pu-erh shape - Brick


„Pu-erh tea processing, although straightforward, is complicated by the fact that the tea itself falls into two distinct categories: the "raw" Sheng Cha and the "ripe" Shou Cha. All types of pu-erh tea are created from máochá (毛茶), a mostly unoxidized green tea processed from a "large leaf" variety of Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis assamica) found in the mountains of southern Yunnan.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q486] [s62]
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