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„As for “the physical form has no such form,” and “things have no such thingness,” physical form and things disintegrate before long, ultimately returning to nothing. This is observant insight, or...“

„Pu-erh tea that has been preserved for few years is close to green tea in its properties and colour. Its taste is sweet tinged with a little bitterness. Its fragrance is pure and mild and lingers...“



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Ziziphus jujuba,
This green hill
Chengdu, the capital
Small inspiration

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2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh

2006 Myanmar Kokang Mei Hua Bing Raw Puerh Tea 100g
4.5 stars 1 review

This little cake come from border area with Myanmar from Kokang (果敢; pinyin: Guǒgǎn), area about 20km...

Shu 7581 - 2002

Shu 7581 - 2002
5.0 stars 1 review

„tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” This tea was stored for the whole time in...

2006 Changtai Long Ma Rui Ming "Dragon Horse"

2006 Changtai Long Ma Rui Ming "Dragon Horse" Raw Puerh Cake 400g
4.0 stars 1 review

This cake is composed of Lancang and Menghai area selected materials.After 5 years aging in dry storage,...


Pu-erh shape -
Pu-erh shape -
Tea Mountains Map,


„Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing.“

Source Web: Green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea>. [q431] [s59]
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